
Your personal computer is the tool most central to your success as a remote worker.

“I think it's fair to say that personal computers have become the most empowering tool we've ever created. They're tools of communication, they're tools of creativity, and they can be shaped by their user.” ~ Bill Gates

“We shape our tools and afterwards our tools shape us.” ~ Marshall McLuhan


As an elite remote worker, no tool is more central to your success than your own personal computer. Your very livelihood and career depend upon the quality of the work you produce on your machine. To make the right impact on your career, you need to invest in the right tools for the job.

The right tools matter

Imagine that, instead of a remote knowledge worker, you were a Spartan warrior, like the ones pictured in the cartoon above. Since your livelihood (and life) depend upon your shield and spear, you wouldn’t consider skimping out on them, would you? To try and save a buck by finding a cheaper spear? Of course you wouldn’t. And the same is true for your machine. Like the warrior’s spear, your computer is not the place to be cheap.

Minimum requirements

We’ve published the minimum computational requirements you’ll need in order to become an elite remote worker. But who wants to meet only the minimum bar? When faced with choices regarding the tools you’ll use, seek out and invest wisely in those options which prepare you best for battle.


There’s no substitute for having the right tools for the job. Realize that the core quality of your output is directly impacted by the computational power you have (or don’t) to use in your craft. Invest wisely in the tools of the trade, and you’ll reap the benefit in your career several times over in the years to come.

Last updated