Curriculum README

Welcome to IC RemoteU!

Welcome to IC RemoteU! We are excited to have you, and cannot wait to teach you everything we know about how to excel as a remote worker.

Here's what your journey to the Factory will look like:

📺 Day 1 Orientation (Please watch before moving forward.)

Initial Steps

  1. You will deliver your tasks via your worksheet. Make a copy of this template to your Trilogy drive, and rename it to include your name.

    Your worksheet has a Deliverables tab which shows you what you are required to deliver each day. You are expected to follow this calendar.

  2. Have a look at the starter pack, and read/watch the topics, as you need them.

  3. The key to passing IC RemoteU (and to succeeding at Crossover) is to produce high-quality work. Our Quality Bar concept means your deliverables are reviewed to ensure they meet our quality standards. Review our Internal QB to ensure you understand our expectations.

  4. In your first week, you will receive an invitation to the PCCAT exam (30 mins). Schedule the exam at the earliest time you can, as the tasks in IC RemoteU become progressively harder, each day. For example, do not schedule your PCCAT for Day 5 of IC RemoteU, as you will need that full day for delivering tasks.

Curriculum Structure

Each day in the RemoteU curriculum, you will access a READ ME page, for that day, which outlines your daily requirements. Each READ ME page includes the daily calendar and readings (i.e., subpages), as well as good and bad examples, videos, quizzes, and application projects.

🙋 Your objective is to complete each day's readings, examples, videos, and application projects. You can use this survey for providing feedback on the quality of the content / deliverables/ tasks:

  • Survey (requires Trilogy account)

If you are not yet set up with a Trilogy account, use this document to provide your feedback.

Last updated