Today, you will deliver multiple units at 100% FTAR. Then, you will prepare, either for the factory, or for the next RemoteU.

Delivering units at 100% FTAR

In this assignment, you will deliver the unit-type you worked on during the Own Your Quality and Productivity assignment. However, this time, instead of delivering only a single unit, you will deliver multiple units from the backlog.

The top-performer's measurement on this assignment was 145 seconds, per unit. If you passed the ZBT task, you should be able to deliver the unit in less than 72 seconds. Remember, the Internal Quality Bar requires ZBT to be 50% faster than the top-performer).

There 20 total units in the backlog. Twenty units x 72 seconds, per unit = 1440 seconds, or 24 minutes, to complete. In theory, anyway. Rather than try to deliver all 20 units in just 24 minutes, regardless of quality, you should slow down, and make Quality your TOP priority.

Check the quality of the units you produce to ensure your deliverables meet the specification. You were given a low production goal, which should allow you to focus on Quality, rather than Quantity.

A learning opportunity

At first, this deliverable - 20 units with no failures - may have you worried. Instead of worrying, let's plan your delivery, instead! To best prepare, first read every single line of the Instructions page in the Backlog, and watch the introduction video.

Since QA is automated, it will run every hour, and display the results. This way, you can deliver a few units, see your results, and then learn from your mistakes to apply fixes, and then submit more units. We learn from failures!

When you fail, and you lose the chance of reaching 100% FTAR, set a new goal for reaching 100% FTAR on remaining units. For example, you can first deliver one unit, then wait an hour to see the QA results. If you fail, learn from it, and fix your unit-delivery method.

Now, deliver one more unit, and repeat the submit-learn-fix cycle. As you gain more experience, your confidence will grow, and you can increase the size of your delivery batch (e.g. delivering five units, instead of one).

We don't recommend submitting more than five units at one time, particularly on your first run. There may be scenarios you didn't plan for, so if you submit, say, 20 units at once, you might wind up with 20 failures due to simple fix you could have made after the first unit.

Instead, start slowly. Analyze your QA results, and immediately resolve any issues before delivering more units. This way, you can prevent repeating your mistakes.

Register for the Next RemoteU

On Friday, you should receive an invitation by email to register for your next RemoteU (for Support and Engineers only). Adjust your calendar according to the instructions provided in the invitation.

Waiting around to find out if you graduated your current curriculum is NOT an option. Start working through the instructions, and join the next RemoteU on Monday!

Last updated